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Serene Song's Sunday Leisure Activity Books
Activities and socialization is important.  Having great hobbies and pursuing interests of your own is important.  Please don't be depressed.  It is extremely difficult for depressed person to do daily activities, even eating food, showering, sleeping, reading and working.   Even Fun activities are really difficult to enjoy.  But little bit of fun leisure activities and positive things to do is really needed for gaining mental health. 
  You have to do  lots positive things to get over the negative experiences.    It is important to have good days, and laugh and have enjoyable days for depressed person, a person diagnosed with mental illness to keep depression and anxiety away and stay well and be happy!

              Doctor Jokes    

        How many Psychiatrists do you need to change a light bulb? Just one.   It takes just One Psychiatrist to change a light bulb, but the light bulb has to really, really WANT to change! 

        There was a group of musicians gathered around to jam with a new Piano Player.  So then, one of them says to the new Piano Player, "It's all yours, play!"   The new Piano  Player nods very cheerfully and says to them, "You guys are in for a rare treat!!" and shows his teeth beaming with sparkling polish, and has ear to ear grin.  He sits down on the piano bench and starts pounding on the Piano with the side of his head!  The group of musicians look at him and each other, perplexed ??!!  asks him, "what are you doing????!!!"  The New Piano Player says " I play by Ear!"

        A New Patient walks in to meet his Psychiatrist at a Clinic, he says to the Doctor, "Nice to meet you.  Will  I  be able to play the guitar?"   The Doctor replies, "Why, Of Course!" The New Patient answers, "That's funny, I never could play the guitar before!"

      Psych patient, Still Not at All Depressed goes into the Doctor's office and says, "You know everything!  Doc, tell me what do you call a pig that does Karate?"  Doctor just looks at him, silent, starts typing at his computer.   The patient goes, "c'mon, c'mon you know the answer,   It's so obvious!  What do you call a pig who does Karate?"  Doctor just looks at him again and continues typing,  but asks him, "Go ahead and tell me, so what do you call a pig that does karate?"  The Patient answers, "A Pork Chop!"

Psych Patient Who Needs Glasses goes to see the Eye Doctor.  The Patient says to the Doctor, " I can't see very well, I see spots!"  The eye Doctor says to the Patient after examining his eyes, "Not too much of a problem. After few eye drops, You just need these prescription glasses."  Then the eye Doctor puts a new pair of glasses on him and asks, "Can you see now?"  The Patient replies, "Oh yes!  I see the spots so much clearer!"

       A Grown Man reading a Health Journal Magazine finds out that Tinnitus is a condition of having Ringing in your Ears.  Believe it or not, it could be very serious and even life threatening!  The Grown Man becomes worried, nervous and panics because he's been having Ringing in his ear for year and half now!  So he prays that this can't be true, hurries and dials the Tinnitus Hot Line number printed in Health Journal Magazine,  He waits and waits,  but it kept Ringing! 

        The Same Psych Patient, Still Not at all Depressed goes into his Therapist's office and asks his Therapist, "You know everything, so tell me what do you call a cow with very, very skinny legs?"  The therapist smiles and just looks at him.  The Psych Patient, Still Not at all Depressed  urges her, looking for an answer, asks her again, "C'mon, c'mon you know the answer, you guys know everything.  What do you call a cow with very, very skinny legs?"  The Therapist, shrugs and asks, "I don't know, what?" The Psych Patient replies, "A very, very Lean Beef!   These jokes were Excerpt from Serene Song's Brand New Book "Original Jokes, Rewritten Old Jokes, Find a Word for Punch Line: To Make People Happy" available July 2023 on Amazon.  Serene Song is a serious Christian Writer who writes with hope her books will be required readings in America and overseas.   She also writes New and Advanced Therapeutic & Recreational Word Finds books by its Categories and topics such as Wellness, Life, Friends, Accomplishments,  Favorite Pass time, etc!  The Author strives to write classic books with stories that are real with heart and young mind, reflections, sense of humor, fun and with boldness, and with high morality and a spirit to soar.  She also writes joke books and word find books for leisure for reading, to make people laugh and happy.

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Serene Song's #1  New Word Find by its category and find a word as a punch line jokes, connect the dots books.  Now Available on Amazon! 
New Therapeutic & Recreational Word Search books for Leisure and fun has  categories such as the Mind, Intellect, Therapeutic, empowerment, youth, Music, Dance!   
Sample  from #1 New Therapeutic & Recreational Word Find Book- 12  words for Happy.  Or feelings of being happy.  What makes you happy?  What qualities do you have or what do you believe in makes you happy?  Find 12 words for Happy.
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